- Ready to Transform Your Legacy Systems
into Modern Solutions? - Caravel™Get Your Legacy Systems
Up to Date - Quick and Easy!
- Caravel™
- Get Your Legacy Systems Up to Date - Quick and Easy!
We’ve got the best way to help you go digital, hassle-free!
Modernization of legacy mainframe (IBM z, Fujitsu MSP, NEC ACOS, etc.) and mid-range server (IBM i) systems
Caravel™ is a modernization/migration service that realizes projects in a short period of time and at low cost.
Caravel™ is a three-pillar service that provides a fast, low-cost solution for your migration/modernization project,
Caravel™ responds to the various concerns and demands of customers in migration, modernization, and DXing by utilizing three pillars of services.
ServiceCaravel™ 3 Services
Visually analyze the system
and recognize
the configuration.- Caravel™Insight
- Generate documents to facilitate visual analysis and understanding of mainframe (IBM z, Fujitsu MSP, NEC ACOS, etc.) and IBM i systems.
Efficient system migration
while utilizing
existing configurations.- Caravel™Converter
- Can migrate to a system with an automatic conversion rate of 95% to 97%, flexible to your open environment frameworks, etc., and highly maintainable and scalable.
Short-term, low-cost,
safe system
migration- Caravel™Express
- Can reproduce your current system completely in Java with 100% automatic conversion in a safe and short period of time.

Migration/modernization flow
Preliminary verification (PoC), program and data conversion and testing, etc.
We take full responsibility for the project from the startup to post-service launch.
Paid PoC(Analize & Program Conversion & Data Conversion & Test)
Objective:Checking the feasibility of migrating existing systems
- Tasks
- Small-scale pickup of existing system assets by the client, and carrying out of the picked up assets (programs & data).
- Discussions between the client and our company regarding the conversion method in general, creation of conversion specifications, and creation of test scenarios for PoC.
- Program analysis and program and data conversion by our company.
- Execution test in the new environment by our company, and examination and presentation of modification or modification method for the defective parts.
- Execution testing in the new environment by the client.
Assessment(Caravel™ Insight : Analyze & Planning)
Objective1:Analyze the existing system, pick up issues related to migration, and identify areas where common components can be used,
Identify areas that can be converted to common components, use third-party software, etc., and consider alternative measures, etc.
Objective2: Identify common components among subsystems.
Clearly identify common parts among subsystems and plan for migration.
Convert common parts first, and plan the migration sequence for each subsystem.
- Tasks
- Pickup of existing system assets by the client and carrying out of the picked up assets (programs).
- Analysis and planning by the client using tools for system analysis (with our support).
- Discussions and preparation of conversion specifications by the customer and us regarding the conversion method in general, including various issues.
- In most cases, the data file (DB) layout will be changed due to the difference in character code system between the existing host and the platform to be migrated.
This change specification is also created at this stage.
Program conversion(Caravel™ Express or Caravel™ Converter)
Objective:Convert existing system assets to Java according to a priority-based work schedule.
- Tasks
- Java conversion work by our company using conversion tools (if new issues are identified during the conversion work, feedback will be provided and the conversion will be performed again).
Data Conversion
Objective:Convert existing system assets to data for the new environment according to a priority-based work schedule.
- Tasks
- Converts data from the source environment to data in the destination environment.
Acceptance testing after conversion
Objective:To create a test specification and check the operation after conversion.
- Tasks
- Creation of test specifications by the client.
- Operation check by the client in the new environment.
- If any problems are found as a result of the operation check, the client will be asked to retest after completing feedback to Step 3 and Step 4 above.
*In this phase, we can also provide support using our tools (data comparison and confirmation tools) and SES services for testing personnel.
Steps to achieve the alternative.
Objective:Implement alternative measures for issues outside of Transware's service offerings.
- Tasks
- Purchase and implementation testing of alternative tools by the customer.
- New development and testing of alternative tools (programs, etc.) based on the results of consultation between Transware and the customer.