Quick, Reasonable, and Secure
- That’s How We Roll!

Caravel™ Express

Caravel™ Express is a service that automatically converts legacy systems built in languages such as COBOL, PL/I, JCL, RPG, and CL to Java EE. This conversion allows you to reproduce the same operations of the original system on an open platform. The automated conversion process ensures a safe and quick migration. You can also choose any SQL-based database as the destination database.

Caravel™ Expressのフロー図
Caravel™ Expressのフロー図



Modernization with minimal risk

Accurately convert existing systems to “Java with language-aware classes"

The Caravel™ BASE100 framework automatically creates programs using OS-specific CoreClass libraries that support the file system, DB, screen, and print processing of the OS before conversion, language-specific CoreClass libraries that support language functions such as COBOL, PL/I, JCL, RPG, and CL, and Java generic libraries that support various functions. Programs are automatically created by Express using Java's general-purpose libraries that support various functions, so they are close to the current system and are characterized by the fact that problems are unlikely to occur.

Caravel™ BASE100 framework

  • OS390 support CoreClass library
  • OS400 support CoreClass library
  • COBOL support CoreClass library
  • PLI support CoreClass library
  • JCL support CoreClass library
  • RPG support CoreClass library
  • CL support CoreClass library
  • Java various general library
  • EBCDIC code support

Achieving short delivery times and low costs

Sophisticated for migration of existing platforms
Uses Caravel™ framework

Caravel™ BASE100 framework uses EBCDIC for internal processing character code. Therefore, comparison operations and data sorting can be processed in the same way as the current system. Regarding the UI, the screen will be converted to a web version that inherits the current situation, and the forms will be processed using a printed image that inherits the current situation. Unlike Converter, there are no complicated conversion rules and programs are converted straight away, resulting in a high automatic conversion rate, short period of time, and low cost.


Flexible target environment

Flexible Selection of Conversion Target Systems

As shown in the figure below, conversion target systems can be selected flexibly, so that some existing systems can be migrated and operated in coexistence with the current system.


Achieve all-in-one conversion

Modernization and support until it works as well as it can.

Caravel™ Express is a service that migrates existing application assets to Java.
Transware will support the customer's new environment after migration until it works as well as the existing environment.

  • If an equivalent mechanism or functionality to the existing one does not exist in the new environment, we support the consideration of alternative measures and the development of a mechanism
  • Data layout changes and data conversion services
  • Support services for testing the new environment and building a production environment
  • Training for development and operation in the new environment

*Each of the above services is a fee-based service (some services may be free of charge).
*Defects caused by Express will be handled free of charge for a period of one year in principle.