Enacted on 1/3/2021
Last revised: 20/6/2021
Transware Co.,Ltd.
Satoru Ishimori, CEO
We in the development and maintenance of mission-critical business systems, we recognize that it is an important social responsibility to carefully protect all personal information entrusted to us in the course of our business activities. In order to be a company that can be trusted by our customers and other related parties, we will thoroughly manage the protection of personal information.
Specifically, we have established a personal information protection management system in accordance with JIS Q 15001 and promote the following.
- We will comply with laws and ordinances, national guidelines, and other norms related to “personal information.
- The acquisition, use, and provision of “personal information” shall be conducted under appropriate and strict control, and in particular, the information shall not be used for any other purpose, and measures shall be taken for this purpose.
- The Company shall always exercise the utmost caution and take the best possible precautions against unauthorized external access to, loss, damage, loss, or leakage of “personal information. In the event that a risk becomes apparent, corrective measures shall be promptly taken.
- We will respond appropriately and promptly to complaints and consultations regarding our personal information protection management system.
- We will always strive to improve the personal information protection management system we have established.
The company will take a firm stand against anyone who violates the management of such personal information, regardless of the reason.
- For inquiries regarding our privacy policy, please contact
- Transware Co.,Ltd.
Personal Information Management Manager Sales & Marketing Dept.- TEL81-3-6550-8328
- FAX81-3-6257-1820
- E-mailinfo@trans-ware.co.jp
Handling of Personal Information
We will pay close attention to the handling of personal information in accordance with our “Personal Information Protection Policy” as follows.
- Name or title of business
- Transware Co.,Ltd.
- Personal Information Manager
- Director, Sales and Marketing Dept.
TEL: 81-3-6550-8328
FAX: 81-3-6257-1820
E-mail: info@trans-ware.co.jp
Purpose of use of personal information
- Customer's personal information
- Information about our product services and events
- Contacting, negotiating, and meeting with customers
- Responding to customer inquiries and requests
- Personal information of our business partners
- Contact with suppliers, business negotiations, meetings, etc.
- Determining the suitability of an engineer's skills for an order with a business partner
- Responding to inquiries and requests from suppliers
- Personal information of applicants for employment
- Our Recruitment Activities
- Providing information, communication and notification to applicants
- Employment Selection Procedures
- Personal information of our employees
- Our personnel, payroll, employment, benefits, etc.
Security Control Measures for Personal Information
In handling personal information, we comply with the Personal Information Protection Policy and implement safety management measures such as facility access control, employee management through consent forms and periodic training, password management for PCs and servers used, encryption of attached data when sending e-mail, prevention of unauthorized access through firewalls and routers, data backup, etc. We also implement safety management measures such as password management for PCs and servers used, encryption of attached data when sending e-mails, firewalls and routers to prevent unauthorized access, and data backup.
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Personal information obtained or entrusted to us will not be provided to third parties except in the following cases
- If you have the consent of the person in question
- When we are required to comply with laws and regulations to provide the information
- When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question.
- When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question.
- When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.
- Cases in which personal information is provided as a result of the succession of business due to merger or other reasons, and in which said personal information is handled within the scope of the purposes of use before the succession
Outsourcing of Personal Information
We may outsource personal information to other companies within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In such cases, we will select a contractor with a well-developed personal information protection system, conclude a contract regarding personal information protection, and supervise the contractor to ensure appropriate management of personal information.
Voluntary nature of providing personal information
Please understand that providing personal information is voluntary, but if you do not provide it, we may not be able to provide you with the services or conduct the transactions you have requested.
Disclosure of Personal Information or Complaints and Consultation
If you wish to request disclosure, etc. of your personal information held by us, or if you have any inquiries, complaints, or need consultation regarding our handling of your personal information, please contact our Customer Service Center as described in the following section. However, we may not be able to respond to your request if we are unable to verify the identity of you or your representative (if your representative is the requester), or if we are required to do so by law.
*Disclosure, etc. refers to notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, suspension of provision to third parties and disclosure of records of provision to third parties of retained personal data.
Procedures for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
To make a request for disclosure, etc., please contact us by telephone, letter, or e-mail at the contact address below. We will send you a “Personal Information Disclosure Request/Report Form” by mail. Please fill in all the prescribed items on the “Application/Report for Disclosure of Personal Information” that we mailed to you, and enclose the necessary documents to confirm your identity.
Required documents for identification
- At the time of application in person
- A copy of the portion of the certificate of residence or other identification card issued by a public institution that includes the name and address (e.g., driver's license, insurance card, passport)
- When a legal representative of a minor applies
- A copy of the name and address of the person's certificate of residence or other identification card issued by a public institution (e.g., driver's license, insurance card, passport)
- Documents proving the authority of legal representation (e.g., extract from family register)
- A copy of the legal representative's certificate of residence or other identification card issued by a public institution that includes his/her name and address (e.g., driver's license, insurance card, passport)
- When applying for a legal representative of an adult ward
- A copy of the name and address of the person's certificate of residence or other identification card issued by a public institution (e.g., driver's license, insurance card, passport)
- Documents proving legal representation (e.g., certificate of registered matters)
- A copy of the legal representative's certificate of residence or other identification card issued by a public institution that includes his/her name and address (e.g., driver's license, insurance card, passport)
- When applying on behalf of an authorized representative
- Power of Attorney issued by the principal (signed by the principal and stamped with the principal's personal seal)
- A copy of the name and address of the person's certificate of residence or other identification card issued by a public institution (e.g., driver's license, insurance card, passport)
- A copy of the name and address of the agent's certificate of residence or other identification card issued by a public institution (e.g., driver's license, insurance card, passport)
*Identification documents will not be returned, but will be kept in strict confidence by the Company in order to maintain a record of contact with the individual.
About Fees and Commissions
Only in the case of a request for notification of purpose of use or disclosure, the following amount (including our reply fee) will be charged per request. Please enclose a postal money order for the following amount when mailing the request form.
Commission amount: 1,000 Japanese yen (consumption tax included)
- Contact for inquiries, disclosure, etc., or complaints and consultations regarding personal information
- If you have any inquiries, disclosure, etc., or need to make a complaint or request a consultation regarding your personal information, please contact the contact point for inquiries, complaints, disclosure, etc., regarding the Company's handling of personal information.
5 Toyo Kaiji Bldg. 6F, 3-2-5 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
Personal Information Management Manager, Sales and Marketing Department, Transware, Co.,Ltd.- TEL81-3-6550-8328
- FAX81-3-6257-1820
- E-mailinfo@trans-ware.co.jp
- Name of authorized personal information protection organization and contact for complaint resolution
- You may file a complaint regarding our handling of personal information with the “authorized personal information protection organization” to which we belong.
- Name of authorized personal information protection organization
JIPDEC ( Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community ) - Contact for complaint resolution
Secretariat of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organizations
Address: Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
- Name of authorized personal information protection organization