Caravel seriesIBM i (AS/400) migration service
Caravel Insight
The Caravel Insight tool provides a deep understanding of any mainframe or AS/400 RPG / COBOL Legacy system in a fast, precise, and intuitive way.
Creates a 100% visual, interactive, and navigable image of the system, including all the relevant information.
Accurate pseudocode Java generators support easy and reliable reengineering processes.
Performs a detailed assessment and builds the necessary documentation.
In addition to the visual representation, all the relevant information is extracted and organized in a well-structured database (repository).
Outputs (an excerpt)
- Verification of the integrity between sources and objects.
- Output of the objects that have no callee or reference destination.
- To Refer freely the contents of the repository using SQL.
- Metrics information of each object.
In case of using with Caravel Converter
Insight is used to reveal as "Tips" the commands and statements that will be problems when perform conversion with Caravel Converter.
Caravel converter realize 100% automatic conversion if all Tips are cleared.
Benefits of using Caravel Insight
Efficient rebuilding/rewriting of the target system using Java Pseudo Code.
Reveal the problem in case of migration and investigate the effect, e.g. no source code, calling middleware, etc.
Visualize the complete internal structure and the relationships of all subsystems in black-box.
Effective support for Rewriting
Caravel Insight includes a set of tools designed to support the Rewriting of the System from zero.
Every subroutine is described with its flowchart and its Java pseudocode.
A cleaning set of tools allows to eliminate unused components and focus in the real, active system.
Taking the results of the Analysis as input, a completely new system can be rebuilt, performing a deep reengineering.
Object analysis sample
Navigation sample
Dynamic analysis sample